Bristol Mountain’s Spring Carnival is back! All the fun will be taking place Saturday, March 26th and Sunday, March 27th. Tentative schedule below:
Saturday, March 26th
9am – 3pm: Neon Wave Free Demos
10am – 11am: Peanut Butter Cup Challenge Course on Orbit (Ages 8 & under)
11am – 1pm Snow Tubing near the Launching Pad (Ages 3-10)
12pm Easter Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny
12pm – 3pm DJ on the Rocket Patio
1pm – 2pm Slush Cup – Register online here.
Prize categories: Best Costume, Best Splash, Steeziest Skimmer
3-4pm Bristol Mountain Trivia on the Rocket Patio
Mini moguls course on Lower Rocket.
Sunday, March 27th
7am Tour de Bristol Race to the Summit | Ultimate Uphill Nordic Race
$10 fee. Open to all racers 14 and older. Registration 7-8am. Start time 8am. All participants must make arrangements for transportation from the Summit Center. Event is conditions dependent. Registration Form.
9am – 3pm: Neon Wave Free Demos
10am-12pm Aloha Race on Morning Star
Pre-register online by emailing aloha@bristolraceteam.org the following information: First/Last Name, Age, Gender and Birthdate (Must be done by 5 p.m. March 26th)
10:30am Shamrock Scavenger Hunt
11am – 1pm Snow Tubing near the Launching Pad (Ages 3-10)
12pm – 3pm Live Music (Honey & Vinegar)
Mini moguls course on Lower Rocket.
Spring Carnival Food & Beverage Specials
- Pulled Pork Sandwiches
- Charred Pineapple & Grilled Flank Steak Tacos
- Sweet Potato & Grilled Mango Tacos
- Bacon Wrapped Queso Burgers
- Canned Beer & Wine Specials